Based on comments from your audit and other best practices re-design the Noodlehead site. Think about mobile users and desktop users, specific user workflows such as exploring the menu and getting their location and placing an online order.

Show the process through comments, questions, screenshots, inspiration, doodles etc. If you need help with picking a method feel free to leverage the Human-Centered Design Handbook

Document this assignment in Figma with 1 page for the final design proposal and 1 for all your working thoughts and ideas.

Grading Rubric

This assignment will account for 60 points. Looking at both your process to get to your final result and the final design proposal.

To better account for the changing needs of the course this assignment’s rubric has been simplified as of 09/25/2021.

  Process Design Proposal
  40 points 20 points
100% Process work shown in any of a variety of ways, written, sketches, inspiration of other products etc. Proposal covers all pages of the site, home and ordering
0% No Evidence No Evidence